Atti Premio H.M. Goldman 2015

Rimini 6-7 marzo 2015
Sessione di ricerca
Premio H.M. Goldman


Single Flap Approach versus Double Flap approach in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects with recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor and β-tricalcium phosphate.
A pilot study
Schincaglia G.P.1,2, Hebert E.1, Farina R.2, Simonelli A.2, Trombelli L.2
1Farmington, CT (USA), 2Ferrara

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Membranes and bone substitutes in a one-stage procedure for horizontal bone augmentation.
A double-blind randomised clinical trial
Moscatelli M.1, Mariotti G.1, Pagliaro U.1,3, Breschi L.4, Mazzoni A.4, Nieri M.1,3, Merli M.1,2
Rimini, 2Ancona, 3Firenze, 4Bologna

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Entire papilla preservation technique: A novel surgical approach for regenerative treatment of deep and wide intrabony defects
Aslan S.,  Buduneli N.
Izmir (Turchia)

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Keratinized mucosa around implants in partially edentulous posterior mandible: 10-year results of a prospective comparative study
Bonino L., Gaudioso L., Dalmasso P., Roccuzzo M.

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Novel Aptamer-based implantable scaffolds for tissue regeneration
Galli C., Piergianni M., Parisi L., Smerieri A., Graiani G., Ghiacci G., Lumetti S., Macaluso GM.

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Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity of vitamin D in human gingival fibroblasts and periodontal ligament cells
Nastri L., Rizzo A., Annunziata M., Guida L.

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Prevention of vascular dysfunction following periodontal therapy: A single blind, randomized controlled trial
Orlandi M., Bhowruth D., Masi S., Patel K., Darbar U., Kingston I., Suvan J.,  Hingorani A., Hausenloy D., Deanfield J., D’Aiuto F.
Londra (UK)

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Assessment of periodontal regeneration by analysis of local biomarkers
Pellegrini G.1, Rasperini G.1, Pagni G.1, Giannobile W.V.2, Canciani E.1, Musto F.1, Sugai J.2, Dellavia C.1
Milano, 2Ann Arbor, MI (USA)

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